
Due to coronavirus pandemic, companies are pivoting, managing rapid, organization-wide change. Individuals also are managing new personal and professional challenges. These Catalyst tools and resources can help leaders and employees successfully navigate the Covid-19 crisis and create a better workplace.



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5 Positive Lessons from Parents During Covid-19 (Blog Post)

Five mothers at Catalyst talk about lessons learned about family and parenting during the pandemic.

CANADA VIRTUAL ROUNDTABLE: Mental Health Effects of Racism and Emotional Tax in the Age of Covid-19

Research has shown a significant increase in anti-Asian hate crimes across Canada during the pandemic. According to Fight Covid Racism…


A Reflection of the Impact of COVID-19 on the Workplace (Webinar Recording)

Learn ways that Catalyst has supported employees, lessons learned from corporations/industry leaders and things to anticipate as we enter the second year of navigating the global pandemic.

Inclusive Leadership

Why Leaders Must Connect More During Times of Crisis (Report)

Here are steps leaders should take to show openness and vulnerability authentically to connect with their team at work.

Women In the Workplace: Money Matters hosted by Wall Street Journal

Catalyst is a proud Marketing Partner of this Wall Street Journal Women In event. Women In the Workplace: Money Matters…

Future of Work

Where Workplaces Are Heading in 2021 (Blog Post)

Changes to the workplace, says Catalyst's Lorraine Hariton, provide clear takeaways on what could lie ahead.

Future of Work

Scenario Planning for the Future of Work (Report)

Scenario planning is a helpful futurist methodology for leaders and organizations, especially during times of uncertainty.

The Impact of Leading Inclusively During Covid-19

Hosted by Pfizer Japan ファイザー株式会社 新型コロナの脅威は、私たちのビジネスの在り方にも大きな影響をもたらしています。オンラインでは完結しない分野はまだまだ多い一方で、今までは対面での活動こそに価値が認められがちであった営業については、様々な業種において、試行錯誤の中にもオンラインツールを使って働き方を大きく変える動きが見られます。 新型コロナの脅威によってもたらされた仕方のないものというだけでなく、革新に向けた一つの機会と捉えて、より良いモデルを作り上げていくのか―その一つの鍵が、インクルーシブ・リーダーシップを活用したチームマネジメントではないでしょうか? 営業分野における新しいモデルの構築に取り組む企業からスピーカーを迎えて、インクルーシブ・リーダーシップの発揮による新しい営業の可能性について議論します。 対象: カタリスト・サポーター企業の社員の皆様、全体で約100名 特別ゲスト: ファイザー株式会社 炎症・免疫部門 営業統括部長 山本博之氏 AIG損害保険株式会社 執行役員兼チーフ・ディストリビューション・オフィサー 高橋宏典氏 進行概要: 開会 パネルディスカッション 小グループ・ディスカッション ラップアップ及び閉会 このセッションは、録音されることをあらかじめご了承ください(小グループ・ディスカッション以外)。…

The Effect of COVID-19 on Gender Equity

This event will be hosted LIVE in the following time zones: 10:00AM – 10:40AM GMT    |    12:00PM – 12:40PM…

Remote Work

Is Remote Work Overrated? (Blog Post)

As the pandemic drags on, some question the future of remote work. They’re missing the big picture.

Women, Equity, and Inclusion in the Future of Work

Join us for a fireside chat with Catalyst President & CEO, Lorraine Hariton, to learn more about how the non-profit, focused on advancing women, is leading change. She'll talk more about their initiatives for CEOs, engaging men to advocate for gender equality in the workplace and an exciting new initiative, the Gender and Diversity KPI Alliance (GDKA).


Lead With Inclusion Through Crisis (Practices)

Learn how Catalyst Supporter organizations are leading with inclusion and reimagining the future of work as the result of the disruption caused by the Covid-19 pandemic.

Future of Work

Why Empathy Is a Superpower in the Future of Work (Report)

Empathy is a critical human skill, allowing people to create connections with colleagues, especially during times of disruption.

Working Parents

The Impact of Covid-19 on Working Parents (Report)

Many working parents fear parenthood is a strike against them in the workplace during Covid-19, according to a new survey.


Webinar: Parental Perspectives: How COVID-19 Affected Childcare for All

Learn more about the state of women in the workforce during this global crisis.

Webinar: From Awareness to Action: Confronting Workplace Mental Health

Learn how employers can prioritize mental health to support their employees in times of crisis and beyond.

Race, Ethnicity, and Culture

Webinar: Creating Opportunities From Disruption: Supporting Women’s Advancement in the Workplace

Hear from speakers as they discuss their action plans to ensure that women are invulnerable when the next crisis occurs.


Webinar: A Reflection on the Impact of COVID – 19 on the Workplace

Join us to learn how governments and global organizations are making strides in building equitable workplaces and societies.

Survey Finds Many Working Parents Fear Job Loss or Being Penalized During Covid-19 (Media Release)

According to a Catalyst-CNBC survey, working parents fear being a parent is a strike against them in the workplace.

The Art of the Virtual Experience

Virtual engagements, by definition, are nearly like the original. They are designed to deliver the same emotional and functional benefits for participants and be as impactful as anything in the live space (or even more so!). We will discuss virtual functionalities of all types and how to recreate brand experiences to ensure relevance for and connections with your audience.