When girls and women make progress in achieving gender equity, what happens to boys and men? Author Richard Reeves argues in his most recent book that many suffer. He advocates for a radical overhaul of gender norms — widening the focus beyond girls and women. His compelling, data-driven analysis demonstrates that we must address the challenges specific to men to achieve true gender equity. As Catalyst has demonstrated with our research on gender partnership and our MARC (Men Advocating Real Change) initiative, equity in the workplace is possible only when people of all genders work together in collaboration. Historically, progress in gender equality has been synonymous with change for, and by, girls and women, and for good reason. But as Reeves shows, many boys and men experience a lack of role clarity, loneliness linked to a mental health crisis, educational disparities including college attainment, and a lack of upward mobility at specific gender-race intersections. We know that men also encounter challenges within the workplace: Catalyst research shows that men are negatively impacted by combative organizational climates in which traditional masculine norms are dominant, and employees are silenced through fear. Traditionally, being masculine meant being a provider. With this definition now largely irrelevant, the uncertainty that boys and men face will have an impact on their allyship with girls and women, Reeves says. The Catalyst report Engaging Men: The Journey Toward Equity shows that the refusal of gender norms benefits everyone. Here are several key takeaways from Of Boys and Men:
Data is powerful. Reeves uses clear-cut evidence and data to detoxify the debate over men’s role as family breadwinner. Although men no longer must be breadwinners, they should be supported when stepping fully into the role of Dad. Workplaces must evaluate their systems and parental policies to allow for paternal involvement.
Gender equality is for everyone. How can we expect society to thrive if we are willing to update gender norms for women, but not for men? Reeves says that allies should be open-minded about the challenges that people of all genders are facing. In many ways, tearing up the historic rulebook of gender norms for both men and women will enable us to step forward with a new individualistic identity that works for all.
Discussions should go beyond gender and should also consider the intersection of race and class. Through powerful anecdotes and data-driven evidence, Reeves highlights the acute challenges that face boys and men of certain race and class intersections. He argues for a real, practical set of solutions to create a society that would be improved for all of us, across the race, class, and gender spectra.