Why your company needs gender partnership & how to make it happen: 5 takeaways from the Catalyst webinar

At Catalyst, we encourage a type of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) practice we call “gender partnership.” At our recent webinar, “Gender partnership: What, why and how“, we drilled down into what gender partnership entails, how it benefits everyone in the workplace, and what companies can do to get started.

Your organization can access the tools it needs to build gender partnership with MARC (Men Advocating Real Change), a Catalyst initiative that accelerates the creation of inclusive workplaces.

Raising men’s awareness of gender issues, and then equipping them with knowledge and skills to practice inclusion, can have a transformative impact, including increased civility within the workplace, empathic listening, and conversations across difference.

Here are five things to keep in mind when building stronger gender partnerships in your organization:

Gender Partnership Infographic NOV2023