#BiasCorrect Install

The #BiasCorrect Plug-In empowers Slack users to fight their unconscious gender bias by flagging it to them in real-time and offering up an alternative bias-free word or phrase for them to consider instead. Think spell check, but for gender bias.

Learn more about how unconscious gender bias impacts women in the workplace and find other tools to become a catalyst for change at catalyst.org/biascorrect

Installing the plug-in

  1. Click the Add to Slack button below to install the #BiasCorrect Plug-In.
    Image of a button containing the text "Add to Slack."
  2. Click “Allow” on the page that opens:
    Image of the Slack app with instructions on how to allow the #BiasCorrect plug-in to install.
  3. The #BiasCorrect Plug-In is now available to add to any channel in your workspace!

Adding the plug-in to channels

  1. To activate the plug-in in a specific Slack channel in your organization, click that channel’s Conversation Settings icon and select “Add an app” from the pull-down menu:
    Image of the Slack app, with "Conversation Settings" open and "Add App" selected.
  2. Type “BiasCorrect” in the search bar and select the #BiasCorrect Plug-In from the results:
    Image of the Slack app's "App Directory" list showing the #BiasCorrect plug-in.
  3. If successful, the following welcome message will be displayed to all members of the channel:
    Image of Slack App with a welcome message from the #BiasCorrect plug-in once it has successfully been added to a Slack channel.
  4. Channel members will need to select “Authorize” in order to engage with the plug-in.

Using the plug-in

  1. The #BiasCorrect Plug-In will now analyze all messages to identify unconscious gender bias. If bias is detected, the plug-in will privately suggest a bias-free alternative message to the user, as in the example below:
    Image of the Slack app with the #BiasCorrect plug-in actively working.
  2. Clicking “Bias Correct” will replace the original message with the suggestion provided by the plug-in:
    Image showing a conversation in Slack with a message that has been edited by the #BiasCorrect plug-in.
  3. Clicking “Ignore” dismisses the private suggestion dialogue, leaving the original message unchanged:
    Image showing how to ignore or decline the corrective suggestion that the #BiasCorrect plug-in gives in the Slack app.
  4. Clicking “Learn More” offers the user more context on the suggested correction:
    Learn more about what you can do differently to be less biased.


If you have any questions, feedback, or issues using the #BiasCorrect Plug-In, send an email to [email protected].

Learn More

Learn more about how this issue impacts women in the workplace and find other tools to become a catalyst for change at catalyst.org/biascorrect.