
Become a Supporter

Catalyst is a global nonprofit supported by many of the world’s most powerful CEOs and leading companies to help build workplaces that work for women.

Do you represent a corporation, firm, or other organization? Join the Catalyst community and learn how to advance diversity, equity, and inclusion in the workplace so that women can advance and thrive. Because workplaces that work for women work for everyone.


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Support cutting-edge research about how to build inclusive workplaces.Learn to:

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Gain access to:

  • Relationship Manager to connect you to our wealth of resources and answer your questions.
  • Events (virtual and in-person) and webinars.
  • Measurement tools to identify and address disparities within your organization, develop an action plan, and track progress.
  • Ask Catalyst that answers questions on select DEI topics.
  • E-learning tools and workshops to upskill middle managers and turn inclusion into a sustainable business strategy.
  • Robust collection of practices from leading corporations with real-world examples of programs and strategies.

Fee-for-service access to:

  • Research-based, interactive, self-paced, and instructor-led workshops and other learning experiences.
  • Access to Catalyst expert speakers.
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Join our community of Supporter companies across the world. Share and learn from your peers and industry leaders at our convenings.

Apply for the prestigious global Catalyst Award and attend our annual Catalyst Awards Conference & Dinner to connect and network with experts in the DEI community.

Recognize Canadian corporate leaders named Catalyst Honours Champions.

Join our Expert Community.

Participate in, and gain insights from, our groundbreaking initiatives, including:

If you are an employee of a company that is currently a Catalyst Supporter, we encourage you to log in or register to gain exclusive access to resources designed specifically for our Supporters. If your organization isn’t a Catalyst Supporter yet, please proceed to the form below. You can verify your organization’s Supporter status on our website here: Supporters | Catalyst

*Note: Being a “Catalyst Supporter” refers to organizations that have an established partnership with Catalyst and enjoy a range of benefits, including access to Supporter only content and tools. If you are unsure about your company’s status, please check with your internal team before proceeding.

If you are having trouble with the form, or have any questions about it, please reach out to Talya Gitin at [email protected].

While access to our Supporter-only resources is exclusive to those in our corporate community, many Catalyst resources are available to the public, and we welcome individual donations to help further our mission.

Catalyst is a not-for-profit corporation organized under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code and Supporter contributions are donations fully tax-deductible within the law. No goods and services will be received in return for such donations.